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Treat Constipation Problem With Guava And Get Instant Relief


Unhealthy meals or low physical activity is bound to create gastric issues in our bodies. It could be diarrhea, gas, acidity, or even constipation problem. However, making a few changes here and there in your diet can treat those problems quickly and smoothly. You should eat more fruits, veggies, nuts, probiotics, etc., as they keep us healthy. Moreover, they all strengthen our gut lining in multiple ways. Right now, we will check how guavas can also play a role in resolving the constipation issue. This information can be handy for anyone going through such tough situations.

The Best Five Reasons To Have Guava For Constipation

Rich In Dietary Fibers

Having fiber is one of the essential things to have in your diet. On average, a person should get a minimum of 25 - 30 grams of fiber every day. If not, they might face issues with their stomach and bowel movements. That does include constipation, gas, indigestion, and even acid reflux. Hence, the first thing to do is to adopt a diet for constipation that comprises lots of fiber and vitamins. Some examples of such food items are broccoli, whole grains, beans, dry fruits, avocados, seeds, and so on. Guavas also make it to the list by providing around 12% of the dietary fiber that we need daily. Thus, you can refer to this fruit alone to treat your mild bowel problems. The fiber will soften the stool so that it becomes easier for the person to pass the feces out. Moreover, the soluble fiber also adds bulk to the excrement to speed up digestion and excretion. Hence, start adding enough fiber to your diet to free yourself from constipation issues.

Better Digestion Is Also The Health Benefits Of Guava

As our elders said, prevention is better than cure; hence, improve your digestion to avoid constipation completely. Try to build a lifestyle and routine that is friendly and comfortable to your guts. Doing so will never make you worry about constipation, diarrhea, or any severe gut-related disorder. You can start by eating guavas and apples for breakfast to kickstart your day. The guava benefits us by regulating our digestion throughout the day through the essential oils and antioxidants present in it. Furthermore, it keeps our metabolic rate high so we can burn extra fats that lead to constipation or obesity. It has nutrients like magnesium, potassium, vitamin B, vitamin C, and many more. They all support our gut microbes in one way or another to ensure smooth functioning. The best part is that you can prioritize guavas as your gastric problem solution for several cases. Not to forget that antioxidants will also eliminate oxidative stress that often acts as a hurdle to our bowel movements.

They Have Laxative Effects

Laxatives are a kind of drug that people generally use to treat constipation. They induce bowel movements and loosen the stool to avoid any disturbance in the process. Most tablets for constipation that you will find in the market have laxatives available in them. Well, to your surprise, guavas also have a laxative effect in them. There is an ample amount of fiber and vitamins in this fruit, making it the best alternative for laxative tablets. They enter our bodies and regulate digestion to eliminate any gastric issues leading to improper bowel movements. In addition, the guavas will use their fiber to add bulk to the stool for an easy pass. You can also drink guava juice to hydrate yourself because dehydration is also one of the causes of constipation. Plus, it will also have similar properties to improve digestion and excretion. The best part is that you can add extra elements to your juice to make it more healthy and effective.

Has Tannin To Resolve Our Stomach Problems

Tannin is an organic substance you can find on several barks, galls, or plant tissues. They are bitter in taste, but at the same time, has medicinal properties to heal our health. The guava leaves have some natural form of tannin present in them. That is really helpful in beating constipation problem or other bowel-related problems. Please note that tannin binds the stool so that our body does not have to struggle to excrete it. Its muscle-relaxing property is also helpful in encouraging bowel movements without adding much effort. In fact, people prefer tannin to resolve constipation when it reaches the chronic stage. There are also other benefits of guava leaves that make them suitable to use for gut issues. They are there to neutralize the microbes that are causing a disturbance by giving us diarrhea or constipation. Also, just like the fruit, the leaves also have fibers in them to support the gut lining and intestines. Along with guavas, you can also concentrate on other tannin-rich food items like peas, nuts, coffee, cocoa, etc.

Shares Antinflammatroy & Antimicrobial Properties

Inflammation and bacterial attacks are two things that can totally disturb our gut health. Hence, our diet must be strong enough to fight such infections and inflammation. You would be happy to know that guavas have both anti-inflammatory & antimicrobial properties. It means that the nutrients and fibers it has can fight the germs causing these issues. There can be a chance that your constipation is the symptom of any bacterial attack you have within your system. Hence, you should jump to a balanced diet and get an organic health supplements. These two approaches will provide enough vitamins, minerals, and fibers to smoothen your gut functions. However, you can rely on guavas to be a part of your diet because it is a medicinal plant. People in Ayurveda and even modern countries like the US uses this fruit for its health benefits. It is anti-viral and stops swelling, inflammation, bacterial growth, constipation, diarrhea, and similar gut troubles.

Have Guavas To Get Rid Of Constipation Permanently

It is best to switch to fiber-rich foods and probiotics immediately if you are dealing with constipation or diarrhea. Those are two powerful factors that can treat most of our gut problems. Other elements like laxatives or tannin are also effective. That's why we suggested consuming guavas for your constipation problem. Those are low in calories, high in nutrients and fibers, and have extra elements to soothe our gut lining. In fact, you can also have guava juice first thing in the morning just to maintain your stomach health. It will detox all the stored fats or toxins trying to trap bacteria and cause disturbance in our body. Thus, you can stock your fridge with guavas for emergencies like these.


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