No matter how good care we take of ourselves, even a small mistake can lead to mild or severe digestive problems. Hence, we should always keep the knowledge of what to do in this situation handy. Thus, we are sharing the seven fastest ways through which you can clear your gastric issues. Whether you want to release the trapped gas or neutralize acidity, they all got your back. If you face gastric troubles often, you should shift to dietary supplements with prebiotics and probiotics. It is because the below solutions are for a once-in-a-while situation. Please note that regular gut-related issues are a sign of serious illness or disorder. Thus, we suggest you either shift to gut supplements or seek medical care.
Top Seven Fast And Effective Digestive Problem Solutions
Lemon Water Provides Instant Relief
Whenever you are in such a situation, all you have to do is find a lemon. Cut it in half and squeeze it in warm water. Add a bit of salt if you want, and gulp it down. It counts as a stomach burning home remedy that starts working instantly. The reason is how it is able to neutralize the acidity in our guts. Please note that all lime or lemons have citric acid in them. This acid helps in breaking down food and boosting gastric acid secretion. So as it enters your body, it starts working to beat your digestive problems like acidity and burning sensations. The quantity of lemon water varies as per the intensity of your discomfort. A cup of it will work if the pain is light or mild. Or else you may have to drink a full glass of the same.
Herbal Teas Are Best For Digestion
Herbs and spices have loads of nutrients, amino acids, and antioxidants. It makes them powerful enough to fight gut problems like indigestion. You have several options here, like ginger tea, peppermint tea, green tea, and many more. Just consume a hot cup of herbal tea and sit in a meditative position. As the tea works on killing the cause troubling your GI tract, meditation benefits in soothing the stomach nerves. Moreover, the polyphenols in green tea act faster in resolving the issue when your body is in a static position. Peppermint tea is better for troubles like bloating, gas, and muscle contraction. Lastly, ginger tea is preferable to enhance bowel movement and gastrointestinal motility.
Baking Soda Is Fastest Solution To Digestion Problem
Gastric issues like acidity or heartburn happen when the stomach acid is rapidly increasing. The level is more than required, and our guts fail to neutralize the excess. In this situation, we need help from food sources that are alkaline in nature. This way, they can bring the stomach acid level back to normal range and can bid goodbye to digestive problems. As you may have guessed, baking soda is that alkaline. It works similarly to OTC tablets as they neutralize the acids. You have to add a 1/4th teaspoon of baking soda into a glass of water and drink it. It will start showing positive effects within a few seconds of swallowing.
The Probiotics Effects On Guts
Prebiotics and probiotics are essential if you want to take good care of your stomach and intestines. You can complete their requirement through food items or probiotic capsules. Prebiotics are the plant fiber that strengthens gut microbes by being their food source. On the other hand, probiotics add to the population of good bacteria residing inside our guts. Together, they strengthen our gut lining and keep us protected from stomach-related health disorders. The reason digestion tablets that have probiotics in them are so popular is the fact that they can fight the harmful viruses within our gut system. They can take down the bacteria that are causing gut inflammation or infection. Yogurt, kefir, miso, kimchi, etc., are some probiotic-rich food you can consume for the same.
Fennel Seeds Is Reliable For Gas Problems
It is a ritual in many Asian households to have fennel seeds right after their heavy meal. There are two reasons behind the same. Number one, it improves digestion, which automatically lessens the chances of getting any digestive problems later. Secondly, the seeds act as mouth fresheners due to their taste and fragrance. So, if you are in some trapped gas situation, have a handful of fennel seeds and wait patiently for a few minutes. Its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties will make sure that your gut is intact. It is because it travels within our gastrointestinal tract and kills the viruses and free radicals that are causing gassiness. Thus, gastric or any other symptom that we face because of them starts reducing. They are also recommendable for IBS symptoms or constipation. So, to prevent or cure similar troubles related to digestion or excretion, you can always count on fennel seeds.
Apple Cider Vinegar Can Help With Digestive Juices
Sometimes, our guts feel uneasy when our digestive juices are not within range. When the gastric glands produce too much stomach acid than required, it causes acidity. However, when the same acid is lower in percentage, it creates trouble breaking down food and digesting it. As mentioned above, lemon water and baking soda work for the acidity part. But, for digestive problems like low gastric juices, you may need apple cider vinegar. It is because ACV is naturally acidic in nature. Thus, when it enters our alimentary tract, it assists in raising the level of stomach acids. From thereon, you would find it very convenient to eat and digest your meal without feeling nauseous or gaseous.
Treat Your Stomach & Bowel Movement With Coconut Water
Lastly, if you have stomach troubles during summer, here is the perfect excuse to gulp more coconut water. It resolves most of your digestive problems like bloating, indigestion, gas, etc. Plus, it is also equally helpful in smoothening bowel movements. In the case of constipation, one can drink one to two glasses of coconut water. It will start acting after a few minutes of consumption to give you relieving results. The reason is the presence of potassium and lauric acid. The potassium helps fight the excess sodium in our bodies that is causing digestive issues. Lauric acid has anti-bacterial properties that kill the germs that are residing in our abdomen area. In addition, coconut water is also effective in maintaining blood pressure and other digestive functions in our bodies.
Foods To Avoid Gastric Problems
All the above food items will help you clear up your GI tract. You can have them as soon as you feel a burning or painful sensation in your chest or stomach. All seven of them are mostly present in households or the nearest market. Thus, you do not have to go back and forth to find these ingredients for your digestive problems. Besides, there are certain food items that you can consume to strengthen your gut system. They may not act as a cure to gas or acidity problems but will definitely help in preventing those. Those are whole grains, root vegetables, leafy vegetables, and so on. They are high-fiber food that comprises water soluble vitamins, which is an excellent combination to strengthen your gut health. We are certain that following these tips will help you to cure and prevent indigestion.