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Brain Boosting Food To Shoot Up Your Memory Power


The functioning of our minds and bodies hugely depends on what we eat. Eating food good for the brain could improve numerous mind skills. They also need the nutrition to work properly and give productive results. So, in order to get those vitamins and minerals, you need to have meals that are rich in those terms. Eventually, your diet choices decide how quick you are with your brain capabilities. To make it more convenient, we are bringing you the list of seven brain boosting food to improve your memory. All these food items are easily available around your neighborhood and totally effective. You yourself would be able to feel so after including them in your regular diet. Thus, let's get into the topic.

What Are The Foods That Improve Memory?

Green & Cruciferous Leafy Vegetables Are Game Changers!

No matter what nutrients you are aiming for, the most secure place to find them all is through vegetables. They have them in abundance and always prove to be successful. In this case, there is a requirement of vitamin K that cruciferous leafy vegetables can fulfill. They are the brain boosting food that will take care of your cognitive skills like learning, memorizing, reading, etc. Some examples of these vegetables would be broccoli, cabbage, kale, cauliflower, and many more. You can also have any Ayurvedic herb for the same purpose. It includes Ashwagandha, Brahmi, Tulsi, etc. People who are not fond of their taste tend to go with Ashwagandha or Brahmi tablet. A combination of green vegetables and herbs is excellent for your brain health. These veggies stimulate the nerves of our brain responsible for the enhancement of our memory. So if you want to get quicker results, switch your junk with such vegetables. Basically, they are the food for the brain that provides them with vitamins to boost their skills. Hence, focus on such diets.

Seafood & Fishes Can Never Go Wrong!

After vitamins, one thing that is excellent for memory is omega-3 fatty acids. You can consider this as a crucial building block of your brain. Some of the functions it generally plays in our minds or bodies are mood management, increasing memory, protection from cognitive decline, reducing inflammation, lowering blood pressure, and so on. So anything with a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids is equivalent to memory-enhancing foods. What best than seafood and fish that are rich in this fatty acid? Besides, they also carry DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which supports brain development. So adding more salmon, tuna, sardines, and herring to your diet can up your memory game. It is especially recommendable to people who are facing forgetfulness or short-term memory loss.

Blueberries Are The Best Food For Brain Growth!

There are two ways to achieve your aim in regards to fitness. One is to have food that boosts that specific goal of yours. For instance, you will have more dairy products if you want to improve your bone density. The other is to defeat the troubles that are forbidding you from being healthy. In this case, blueberries are one of the brain boosting food that works through the second method. Too much oxidative stress can push the aging process of our brain, resulting in troubles related to memory, learning, concentration, and many others. Thus, blueberries are the best solution to maintain your brain function and enhance memory. Its antioxidant properties make it a perfect fruit for bettering your intelligence and overall mental development.

Turmeric Has More Benefits Than You Imagine!

Turmeric or curcumin is becoming a prominent ingredient in almost every nutrition tablet. Health companies are right to do so because of its endless benefits. People generally use turmeric for metabolism, bones, reducing inflammation, better mental health, and so on. However, most individuals don't know about the magical benefits it provides to our brain. It is an excellent brain boosting food for mood management and improving memory. Make sure to take 90 milligrams of turmeric every day to see the fast results. In fact, dementia patients have reported signs of improvement after having an adequate amount of turmeric in each meal. So not only is your memory preserved, but turmeric can also restore it for the better. Hence, it is time to use turmeric for medicinal benefits as well instead of just as a spice.

Almonds Are The Best Brain Food!

It is one of the most famous foods linked with memory enhancement. Millions of students in India consume almonds during their exam time for better performance in the finals. It is because of how good of a cognitive supporter almonds are. They boost brain power and intensify our other mental capabilities, like learning, memory, focus, critical thinking, decision-making, and so on. The presence of both L-Carnitine and riboflavin makes them a little more special than the rest, as they are the essential nutrients for our brain to work properly. By consuming 8-10 almonds every day, you yourself will find a noticeable difference in your brain functions.

Get An Excuse To Have More Coffee!

We have just added one more excuse for why you must grab a coffee every morning! It is no news that coffee is a brain booster that helps us stay awake even during long, boring hours. Nevertheless, it also serves other advantages to our brain. Coffee is good for both our short and long-term memory. Studies have shown how impactful coffee is for someone going through memory impairment. But, this brain boosting food comes with a sweet twist. By crossing the daily limit of caffeine, you may risk losing your mental abilities instead of improving them. The maximum intake of coffee should be 400 milligrams per day. Anything above that quantity has the risk of backfiring, which includes forgetfulness or memory loss.

Fulfill Your Dark Chocolate Cravings!

Consuming dark chocolate has several health benefits that we often overlook. It is one of the most delicious brain boosting food that does wonders for our cognitive skills. Having a limited amount of dark chocolate can leave remarkable improvement in yourself. It involves betterment in attention span, concentration power, and problem-solving skills. Many young adults have experienced it themselves and see it as the best way to increase brain power. In fact, many dietary supplements or gummies come in the chocolate flavor for the exact same reason. So if you are in a stressful or anxious situation, all you have to do is have a piece of dark chocolate. It will soothe your nervous system and will empower your brain skills. Please make a note that we are not talking about processed or sweetened chocolates. Besides, we have given you a perfect opportunity to stack those chocolates.

Activities And Food To Increase Dopamine

Dopamine is a hormone or neurotransmitter that is released when you are feeling pleasure, happy, or motivated. Too much or too less of this hormone can create health issues in our bodies. However, if it is at the right level, it can further help you increase your memory and concentration power. Food that increases dopamine is chocolate, coffee, avocado, apple, strawberries, dairy products, and many more. Activities that release dopamine are the second best way to work on your cognitive skills after brain boosting food. It includes meditation, shopping, jogging, eating a nice meal, and so on. By following hobbies that release dopamine, your mental health automatically improves. It brings mental stability to your life that can boost your brain's capabilities. Besides, there are several other health benefits of meditation that can go for a long run to keep you both physically and mentally fit.


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